Nearly everyone has heard of the dangers of too much sun exposure. They may use hats or sunscreen to protect their skin, but how many really think about the damage the sun does to their eyes? As well as protecting your skin, it is imperative to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun. The best sun glasses you can get are Oakley Polarized Sunglasses.
Oakley sun glasses were developed in 1975 by James Jannard; however these aren't your usual sun glasses. These sun glasses are designed and created for outdoors wear, particularly for those who are rough and tumble. All Oakley polarized sunglasses must pass rigorous testing prior to being polarized. These tests ensure the glasses will not shatter or the lens doesn't pop out of the frame. Due to the rigorous testing, these sun glasses are now among the most popular among professional athletes and others who spend a great deal of time outdoors.
Known worldwide for their innovative styles, Oakley is known for producing sunglasses which can handle the extreme cold as well as high altitudes experienced by those engaged in mountain climbing. You can also find them on the faces of those in desert conditions. If you're outdoors, and there's a possibility that you'll experience impact of any type, Oakley's polarized lenses will protect your eyes. They are shock resistant, have flexible frames, are polarized, anti scratch, and anti fog. You simply can't find better sunglasses on the market.
The Oakley sunglass lenses are designed to give you the best sun protection no matter which direction it's coming from. Rather than allowing distortion like other lenses, the Oakley polarized sunglasses offer protection as well as clarity unparalleled by other manufacturers. If you look to Hollywood, you'll likely see many celebrities wearing these sunglasses.
Product research continues to be important for the development of Oakley sunglasses; in fact they seek out companies with complimentary technology. Seven distinctive technologies were developed for Oakley's polarized sunglasses since 1975. High Definition Optics provide clear, sharp images while it blocks the glare from snow, water or other surfaces which are reflective. The Oakley sunglasses also use a substance known as Plutonite which blocks 100% of the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. Rather than simply being a coating, the Plutonite is placed in the lenses.
Are you tired of squinting and being worried about the damage the glare may be causing your eyes? Invest in Oakley polarized sunglasses and you'll also invest in your good eyesight. Look for Oakley sunglasses where better sunglasses are sold. You'll find a frame and lens coating to suit every face type. You'll find the perfect pair of sunglasses with the protection you need by seeking Oakley polarized sunglasses. They come in a wide selection of frames and lenses as well as price range. Get the pair suited to your personality and your budget.